Walking/Hiking GPS
The most popular use of GPS technology outside of vehicle navigation is for walking and hiking. Small, portable walking GPS devices are affordable, ubiquitous and provide you with peace of mind along your journey. From navigating city streets to camping trips in the bush, the versatile walking GPS is a favorite of many.
For walking around towns and cities many people prefer to use a smart phone with a GPS app installed. Google maps provides unmatched guidance and navigation in this category and is a free service available on most platforms. The smart phone has the advantage of being something one usually has on their person and can accomplish a number of tasks a dedicated GPS cannot. A smart phone, however, is a poor choice of walking GPS for those who are venturing into the wilderness to do some hiking or camping.
A dedicated walking GPS for the great outdoors will outperform a smart phone in a number of areas. Many are battery-powered and extras can be carried in the case of an emergency, whereas a phone will need to be connected to a charger after ~24 hours. A dedicated GPS will also be built to withstand the environment of the outdoors, being built to withstand water and being knocked about. In addition, many possess a "breadcrumb" functionality that can track the route you've taken and give you the option of following the same path on your return trip. Most also come with a built in compass for enhanced locating, and detailed topographical maps.
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